Annie Scanner

Annie Scanner
Cyanotype, Digital Imaging, Animation, Writing. Made with Processing, Python.
Self-directed creative research project exploring the use of mannequins in marketing war, conflict, identity, domesticity—specifically exploring the L.A. Darling mannequins used on March 17, 1953 in the Annie (nuclear) Test at the Nevada Test Site, in juxtapositions with images gathered from other archives (ongoing). Research explores representation of the body, within a frame of design, environment, conflict. Imaging and creative writing is generated through computation, sequencing, and diverse printing methods. (see The Evolution of Silence).

© Rachele Riley
Funded in part through creative research grants from UNCG.
Images courtesy of the Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation, Nuclear Testing Archive, the National Archives, and The New York Public Library’s Picture Collection.

2019, Cyanotype prints, scanning, archival ink jet prints. Developed at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center. Special thanks to Casey Reas.

2019, Animation. Single-channel video. Cyanotype prints scanned using code (Processing). 1920 x 1080 px, 17 sec, loop. Developed at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center. Special thanks to Casey Reas.


2019. Animation, drawing, solvent transfer print. Single-channel video, with sound. 1920 x 1080 px, 40 s, loop. Scanned with Processing.2019. Animation. Single-channel, no sound. 308 x 168 px, 1:43, loop.

2021. Frame-by-frame animation made from Risograph prints. Special thanks to Kelli Anderson. Risographs printed at The Arm studio.